😂😂 I hope this gives us all permission to suggest a large Swansen Hungry Man frozen TV dinner any time you claim to be injured (physically or otherwise) from here on out?

Great story—Beautifully told!

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Ha! Yes...we all need an excuse to revisit these, Sara!

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“…[W]hat we would come to know as payback” is a rich line, so full of the then and the now. I always appreciate storytellers who are willing to share their poor, and very human, choices. I was recently turned on to Brené Brown’s definition of the opposite of acceptance, which is not “rejection” but rather “fitting in.” Your story about the Pelting of Pat Doyle (coming soon to a theater near you) makes me think of the terrible actions I took as a young person in order to fit in. I wonder how Pat Doyle tells this story.

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That's a great question, Meg. I wonder how Pat tells this story...or doesn't.

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I remember you telling me this in one of our high school classes. You are such an amazing storyteller. I can’t wait to hear more. It transports me back to the days growing up in Misdion Viejo.

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Thanks Melanie! I love that, especially since sometimes I wonder "Did that really happen?" Thanks for confirming this one!

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