And then you won the long game.

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And then you won.

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I loved reading this so much! I could see it all!

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Thanks so much, Karyn! Thanks for listening!

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May 26·edited May 26

Great work Stephen. That trip to Sacramento is etched in my mind. Your teacher Mrs. Abbot, and my teacher Mrs. Amstead were brave souls. What teachers these days would think to fly their class across the state and back in one day for a field trip? Not me, that's for sure. I teach 4th grade, and I dread even putting them all on a bus to go across town and back.

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Ha! Maybe it's time, Steve! Come on!

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I could listen forever to the sound of your mom taking that percussive drag on her cigarette, followed by the no-nonsense exhalation. It was visceral. The “pfshoom” of your nimbleness evoked every Bugs Bunny and Roadrunner cartoon I watched as a child. I was in the resonant rotunda with you all. And, yes, the seven magic words. So many great images and people. That thing about “nimble” becoming “spry” reminds me of the first time someone called me “ma’am” instead of “miss.” There’s just no going back.

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No...there's no going back, Meg! Let's GO!

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Im practising those sound effects. And I loved how the ‘adults’ used you like a puppy. Fetch, Stephen!

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Keep practicing those sounds, Jane. Speech is nothing more than a whole lot of sounds that we agree mean something, so you're already damn good.

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What a delight seeing such a long post from you! And I love the added silly sound effects throughout, they really add to the atmosphere. Felt the part about wanting to become a veterinarian, though in my case there is still so much ahead of me (and my joints are still brimming with cartilage), I'm glad I did not take on medicine of any kind, you couldn't trust me around anything that isn't made out of circuits and metal...

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Thanks, Elvis. I'm also grateful for not following up on a medical career path...others are as well.

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